I know, I'm being a total girl
With all of the teams I'd originally been pulling for knocked out of the World Cup, I'm left with a bit of a dilemma as to who to root for.
After much soul-searching, I've decided on Portugal because (i) I can't resist an underdog and they're probably the lowest-seeded team left, other than Ukraine, who I can't support because they're the ones that knocked Switzerland out, and (ii) based on two weeks of careful observation, they appear to have the best-looking players. And to anyone who might question that, two words: Cristiano Ronaldo.
In case you need evidence...
check out this:

or even better, this:

Yes, deep down inside I am still a 16-year-old girl.
Geographical illiteracy
I’ve been watching the Brazil/Ghana World Cup match, and if I hear Ghana referred to as a “tiny African nation” one more time, I’m going to scream. A few facts for our friends at ESPN, courtesy of
this site:
Population: 22.4 million
Area: 240,000 square kilometers
Population: 16 million
Area: 41,000 square kilometers
Population: 10.6 million
Area: 92,000 square kilometers
But oddly enough, no one seems to refer to the Netherlands or Portugal as “tiny European nations.”
Sigh. I suppose we should just be grateful that the American commentaters even realize that Ghana’s in Africa.
Either the West Village is expanding, or someone at the New York Post is smoking crack again
today's New York Post:
June 21, 2006 -- A man set off a small explosive device last night in a failed attempt to rob an automated teller machine in the West Village, police said.
No one was hurt in the 11:40 p.m. blast outside New York City Bagels on Sixth Avenue between 16th and 17th Streets.
Last I heard, the neighborhood north of 14th Street on the west side was called Chelsea.
And I thought baby animals were always cute...

In the interest of continuity, I'm posting a photo of the
baby pigeon I've been obsessing about for the last month or so, which finally made its appearance a day or two ago (it's the somewhat scraggly and bedraggled-looking one on the left, in case you can't tell).
I have to admit that I'm pretty disappointed. I was expecting something cute and fluffy, kind of like a kitten but with wings and a beak. Or maybe something like this, although not yellow, of course:

Instead, I got what's pictured up top--something that looks like a cross between a turkey vulture and a buzzard. Not even remotely adorable.
I guess I can go back to disliking pigeons now like most normal New Yorkers.
What Not To Do After A Night of Drinking
The Villager:
A 28-year-old man who had been drinking with a friend in the East Village on Friday night was impaled on an iron fence at a parking lot on E. First St. near Avenue A when he tried to vault the fence at 7:30 a.m. Sat. May 27.
The victim and his friend were taking a shortcut across the parking lot to a nearby diner at the time.
An Emergency Medical Service team and police were able to free him from the fence spike that penetrated his lower left leg. He was taken to Bellevue hospital in stable condition.
That reminds me of the time my college roommate (you know who you are, wench) tried to vault a fence while drunk and ripped out the entire seat of her jeans. Being the die-hard alcoholic that she is, she just borrowed a sweater from one of the guys we were with, tied it around her waist, and proceeded to the next bar.
I miss college.