Since I'm on the topic of childlessness this week, here are some quotes from people who decided not to have children, which you'll either love or hate depending on your views on the matter. I can't vouch for their veracity, but I cite the site they came from below.Helen Gurley Brown: "My sister, Mary, had polio and was in a wheelchair all her life," Brown says. "I know what it is to care for somebody. I didn't want the responsibility for any other little creatures. I have never regretted that decision."
Ralph Fiennes: "Children? Ewww!"Bill Maher: "I don't dislike children; I just don't particularly want to be around them a lot."
Rudolph Nureyev: "They wouldn't be as good as I am, and then I wouldn't know what to do with the little imbeciles."
More quotes, as well as a list of noteworthy figures who don't have children, can be found here.