
So last night I was at the Rangers/Sabres game at Madison Square Garden, and partway through the second period a cell phone rang. The guy sitting behind me answered. Here’s what may well be a verbatim transcript of his end of the conversation:
“Wow. That’s incredible.”
“That’s amazing.”
“That’s incredible.”
“You should frame that.”
“That's amazing.”
“That's incredible.”
“Really? Wow. That’s amazing. And incredible.”
You get the picture.
Apparently his girlfriend/wife/sister/co-worker/other female relative or acquaintance of some sort ran into Mets third baseman David Wright on 55th Street earlier that day. She approached him and asked for an autograph for her thirteen-year-old brother. Not only did Wright agree, but he walked with her almost two blocks until they found a place where he could borrow a pen and paper (an Outback Steakhouse, if you must know).
Now that’s cute. Maybe not amazing or incredible, but cute.
But here’s the funny part. Not more than 30 seconds after Cell Phone Boy relates this story to the friend sitting next to him, the Mets theme song starts blasting over the sound system in the Garden. And the next image to appear on the video monitor is that of none other than...David Wright. Who just happens to be in attendance at that night’s Ranger game.
It was definitely kind of freaky.
And David Wright, by the way, is definitely kind of hot.