Saturday, January 28, 2006

Was he the only 30-year old virgin in New York?

I've been following, in a half-assed way, the feud (if you can call it that) between two other bloggers. I haven't been hanging onto every word the way some people seem to, but what did strike me was this one's observation that when they were dating, this one never wanted to have sex with her.

If that's true, then why do you think that is? I'm particularly curious because the same thing happened to me once. I met this guy, and he seemed great. He was interesting, good-looking, intelligent, successful...on paper he was perfect. But we dated for about two months, and in that time, other than brushing his lips against mine for a second or two when we were saying goodbye, he never even really kissed me, let alone anything else.

I suppose maybe he just wasn't that into me, but if that was the case, why would he have dated me for two months? And it wasn't sporadically--we saw each other at least two or three times a week.

I know it wasn't that he was married or otherwise involved, because we had so many friends in common that I definitely would have found that out.

I can tell myself that he didn't want to push me because he respected me, but come on...two months?

What could it have been? Was he gay? Did he have a disease? Did he have a small penis? Was he the only thirty-year-old virgin in New York?

What on earth goes through guys' heads? Any ideas?