If only they cared this much about the people of Darfur
Just got back from watching the miraculous rescue of Molly the cat. Complete coincidence, really. We were walking back from a relaxed Friday night dinner at El Faro, and decided to check out the media clusterfuck that 634 Hudson Street has become. WB11, Fox 5 News, 1010 WINS--you name the station, and its news vans were parked outside.We were about five yards away when a huge cheer went up from the crowd gathered out front. We looked at each other in disbelief...could it be true?
It was...through complete dumb luck, we happened to be passing right by Myers of Keswick when Molly the cat was finally rescued.
Bit of a letdown, really, because other than the media clusterfuck, there wasn't much to see. The storefront had a metal grate down over it, and the rescuers inside started to roll it up, then quickly reconsidered when they saw the hordes outside. We were hoping they'd hold Molly up in the air like Rafiki did Simba in the Lion King,

Best moment of the night: a woman outside the barricades that were blocking off the front of the store (read: a passerby like us) calling out, with what sounded like sincere happiness, "we're so happy for you, Milly." And a woman inside the barricades (read: an animal rescue nut who'd likely been camping out there for 10 days) turning around and, with narrowed eyes, hissing "her name is Molly. MOLLY!"
Ah, I love New York.
All that aside, good on you, Molly. Here's to many happy years of mouse-hunting for you.