The Banker and the Blonde
My friend the Banker began dating someone about three months ago, and she seemed to decide more or less immediately that he was the one for her. I figured this out when, the second time I met her, she took me aside after he’d gone to the bathroom. “Tell me what I need to do to make this work,” she said, gesturing with her head in the direction he’d gone.I thought that was a pretty bold thing to say, given that he’s one of my best friends and she reasonably could have assumed that it would get right back to him. So many of my female friends tread so lightly where men are concerned, afraid that any indication of interest in a long-term relationship will immediately foreclose the possibility of such. Instead, they dance around the issue, bits and pieces of "The Rules" floating around in their heads.
Men don’t seem to be that way at all. My significant other told me on our second date that it had been a long time since he’d liked someone as much as he liked me, and on our fourth date that he’d never met anyone like me (I’m reasonably confident that he meant that in a good way). In any case, we’ve been together ever since, so his honesty seems to have worked.
I never did tell the Banker what the Blonde said to me, and they’re still dating. I'd like to think it wouldn't have made a difference if I had.